Category: <span>Process Safety</span>

Actions Tracking Management in EPCIC Project

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  • November 28, 2021
  • 1

Introduction Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning (EPCIC) is the most commonly used form of project life cycle in the oil and gas industry. These projects are usually complex and large scale; with multiple client, main contractor, sub-contractors, vendors, consultants interfaces. In addition, the project phases are often happening

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Risk Ranking Using Risk Matrix or Risk Assessment Matrix

  • user
  • August 10, 2021
  • 0

Introduction to Risk What is Risk? Risk fundamentally is a product of Consequence and Likelihood. Risk is subjective and will really depend on the perception and experience of the risk assessor/s. A Day to day example could  be, say  crossing a busy road while not at the designated traffic

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